

Dairy Research Foundation newsletters

Conference Proceedings

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Scientific Publications

Masia, F.; Lyons, N.A.; piccardi, M.; Balzarini, M.; Hovey, R.; Garcia, S.; (2020) Modelling variability of the lactation curves of cows in automated milking systems Journal of Dairy Science (In Press)
Gargiulo, J.; Lyons, N.A.; Armstrong, D.; Kempton, K.; Garcia, S.; (2020) Physical and economic comparison of pasture-based automatic and conventional milking systems Journal of Dairy Science (In Press)
Wildridge, A.M.; Thomson, P.C.; Garcia, S.C.; Jongman, E.C.; Kerrisk K.L.; (2020) Transitioning from conventional to automatic milking: Effects on the human-animal relationship Journal of Dairy Science Volume 103, Issue 2, Pages 1608-1619
Imaz, J.A.; Garcia, S.; Gonzalez, L.A.; (2020) Application of in-paddock technologies to monitor individual self-fed supplement intake and liveweight in beef cattle  Animals 10 (1), 93
Imaz, J.A.; Garcia, S.; Gonzalez, L.A.; (2019) Real-time monitoring of self-fed supplement intake, feeding behavior, and growth rate as affected by forage quantity and quality of rotationally grazed beef cattle Animals 9 (12), 1129
Clark, C.E.F.; Garcia, S.C.; Marshall, K.; Pryce, J.E.; Greenwood, P.; Lomax, S.; (2019) The Livestock Phenotype Revolution: Enabling a Step-Change in farm management and Scientific Discovery Proc. Assoc. Advmt. Anim. Breed. Genet Volume 23, Pages 596-599
Green, Alexandra; Clark, Cameron; Favaro, Livio; Lomax, Sabrina; Reby, David; (2019) Vocal individuality of Holstein-Friesian cattle is maintained across putatively positive and negative farming contexts Scientific Reports Volume 9, Number 1, Pages 1-9
Qiao, Yongliang; Su, Daobilige; Kong, He; Sukkarieh, Salah; Lomax, Sabrina; Clark, Cameron; (2019) Individual Cattle Identification Using a Deep Learning Based Framework IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 52, Number 30, Pages 318-323
Van der Saag, D.; Lomax, S.; Windsor, P.A.; Hall, E.; White, P.J.; (2019) Effect of Lignocaine and a Topical Vapocoolant Spray on Pain Response during Surgical Castration of Beef Calves Animals Volume 9, Number 4, Page 126
Woodland, A.N.; Van der Saag, D.; Kimble, B.; White, P.J.; Govendir, M.; Lomax, S.; (2019) Plasma pharmacokinetic profile and efficacy of meloxicam administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly to sheep PloS One, Volume 14 Number 4
Clark, C.E.F.; Akter Y.; Hungerford A.; Thomson P.; Islam M.R.; Groves P. J.;Cormac, J. O’Shea (2019) The intake pattern and feed preference of layer hens selected for high or low feed conversion ratio. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222304.
Dias, K.; Garcia, Sergio C., Mohammed, Islam; Clark, C. E. F. (Feb 2019) Milk Yield, Milk composition, and the nutritive value of feed accessed varies with milking order for pasture-based dairy cattle Animals Volume 9, Issue 2
Islam, M.R.; Garcia, S.C.; Horadagoda, A.; Kerrisk, K.L.; and Clark, C.E.F. (2019). Management strategies for forage rape (Brassica napus L. cv Goliath): Impact on dry matter yield, plant reserves, morphology and nutritive value. Grass and Forage Science, Volume 75, Issue 1, Pages 96-110
John, A., Freeman, M., Kerrisk, K., Garcia, S., Clark, C. (2019). Robot utilisation of pasture-based dairy cows with varying levels of milking frequency. Animal, 13(7), 1529-1535. doi:10.1017/S1751731118003117
John, A. J; Cullen, B. R; Oluboyede, K; Freeman, M J; Kerrisk, K L; Garcia, S. C; Clark, C. E. F (2019) The effect of pasture quantity temporal variation on milking robot utilization ISSN: 0022-0302, 1525-3198; DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-14801 Journal of dairy science., Vol.102(3), p.2551-2559
John, A. J; Garcia, S. C.; Kerrisk, K.L.; Freeman, M. J.; Islam, M.R.; Clark, C. E. F. (2019) The effect of temporal variation in feed quality and quantity on the diurnal feeding behaviour of dairy cows Animals pages 1- 8 doi:10.1017/S1751731119001198
Khatun, Momena; Thomson, P.C; Garcia, S.C. (2019) Prediction of quarter evel subclinical mastitis by combining gin-line and on-animal sensor dataAnimal Production Science (In Press)
Khatun, Momena; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Thomson, Peter; House, John; García, Sergio C. (2019). Suitability of somatic cell count, electrical conductivity, and lactate dehydrogenase activity in foremilk before versus after alveolar milk ejection for mastitis detection. Journal of Dairy Science
Volume 102, Issue 10, October 2019, Pages 9200-9212
Lomax, Sabrina; Colusso, Patricia and Clark, Cameron E.F (2019) Does Virtual Fencing Work for Grazing Dairy Cattle? Animals 2019, 9(7), 429;
Wildridge, A.M; Thomson, P.C.; Garcia, S.C; Jongman, E.C; Clark, C.E.F.; and Kerrisk, K.L. (2019) Transitioning from conventional to automatic milking: impacts on human-animal relationship (2019) Journal of Dairy Science (in press)
Clark, C. E. F.; Kaur, R.; Millapan, L. O.; Golder, H. M.; Thomson, P. C.;
Horadagoda, A.; Islam, M. R.; Kerrisk, K. L.; Garcia, S. C. (2018) The effect of temperate or tropical pasture grazing state and grain-based concentrate allocation on dairy cattle production and behaviour. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 101, Issue 6, Pages 5454- 5465
Gargiulo, J. I.; Eastwood, C. R.; Garcia, S. C.; Lyons, N. A. (2018). Dairy farmers with larger herd sizes adopt more precision dairy technologies Journal of Dairy Science Volume 101, Issue 6, Pages 5466-5473
Green, A. C.; Johnston, I. N.; Clark, C. E. F. (2018) Invited review: The evolution of cattle bioacoustics and application for advanced dairy systems Animals Volume 12 Issue 6, Pages 1250-1259
Khatun, M.; Thomson, P. C; Kerrisk, K. L.; Lyons, N. A.; Clark, C. E. F.; Molfino, J.; García, S. C. (2018) Development of a new clinical mastitis detection method for automatic milking systems Journal of Dairy Science Volume 101, Issue 10, pages 9385-9395
Lazzarini, B.; Lopez-Villalobos, Lyons, N.; Hendrikse, L.; Baudracco, J. (2018) Productive, economic and risk assessment of grazing dairy systems with supplemented cows milked once a day Animals Volume 12, Issue 5 Pages 1077-1083
Lee, J. M.; Clark, D. A.; Clark, C. E. F; Waugh, C. D.; Roach, C. G. ; Minnee, E. M. K. ; Glassey, C. B.; Woodward, S. L.; Woodfield, D. R.; Chapman, D. F. (2018)  A comparison of perennial ryegrass – and tall fescue-based swards with or without a cropping component for dairy production: Animal production, herbage characteristics and financial performance from a 3-year farmlet trial. Grass and Forage Science Volume 73, Issue 2, Pages 340-354
Lomax, Sabrina; Hall, Evelyn; Oehlers, Lauren; White, Peter (2018) Topical vapocoolant spray reduces nociceptive response to ear notching in neonatal piglets Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Volume 45, Issue 3, pages 366-373
Ojeda, J. J.; Pembleton, K. G.; Caviglia, O. P.; Islam, M. R.; Agnusdei, M. G.; Garcia, S. C. (2018) Modelling forage yield and water productivity of continuous crop sequences in the Argentinian Pampas European Journal of Agronomy Volume 92, Pages 84-96
Van der Saag, Dominique; Lomax, Sabrina; Windsor, Peter Andrew; Taylor, Casey; White, Peter John. (2018) Evaluating treatments with topical anaesthetic and buccal meloxicam for pain and inflammation caused by amputation dehorning of calves Plos One, Volume 13, Issue 6, Article
number e0198808
Van der Saag, Dominique; White, Peter; Ingram Lachlan; Manning, Jaime; Windsor, Peter; Thomson, Peter; Lomax, Sabrina (2018) Effects of Topical Anaesthetic and Buccal Meloxicam Treatments on Concurrent Castration and Dehorning of Beef Calves Animals Volume 8, Issue 3, Article Number 35
Wildridge, Ashleigh M.; Thomson, Peter C.; Garcia, Sergio C.; John, Alex J.; Jongman, Ellen C.; Clark, Cameron E. F.; Kerrisk, Kendra L. (2018) The
effect of temperature-humidity index on milk yield and milking frequency of dairy cows in pasture-based automatic milking systems Journal of
dairy science Volume 101, Issue 5 Pages 4479-4482
Wildridge, Ashleigh M.; Thomson, Peter C.; Garcia, Sergio C.; Jongman, Ellen C.; Clark, Cameron E. F.; Kerrisk, Kendra L. (2018) The impact of fetching at night on milking parlour visitation for pasture-based dairy cattle Applied Animal Behaviour Science Volume 201, Pages 25-30
Khatun M, Clark C. E. F., Lyons N. A., Thomson P.C., Kerrisk K. L., García S. C. (2017) Early detection of clinical mastitis from electrical conductivity data in an automatic milking system. Animal Production Science ,
Minneé, E.M.K.,  Waghorn, G.C., Leea, J.M., Clark C.E.F. (2017)  Including
chicory or plantain in a perennial ryegrass/white clover-based diet of dairy cattle in late lactation: Feed intake, milk production and rumen digestion. Animal Feed Sci. and Tech. Vol 227, Pp 52–61
Molfino, J., Garcia, S. C., Clark, C. E. F., Kerrisk, K. L. (2017) Evaluation of
an activity and rumination monitor in dairy cattle grazing two types of forages. Animal Production Science,
Russell, W.T., Kerrisk, K.L., Whitty, M.A. (2017) The effect of herd
mentality on dairy heifers conditioned to traffic through audio cues. CSIRO Publishing, Animal Production Science: online early PDF reprint (AN16460)
Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Gianfranco, G., Celi, P. (2017) Role of oxidant-antioxidant balance in reproduction of domestic animals. Animal Product-ion Science,
Wildridge, A.M.,Garcia S. C., Thomson, P.C., Jongman, E.C., Clark, C.E.F.,
Kerrisk, K.L. (2017) The impact of a shaded pre-milking yard on a pasture-based automatic milking system. Animal Production Science
Clark, C.E.F., Farina, S.R., Garcia, S.C., Islam, M.R., Kerrisk, K.L., Fulkerson, W.J. (2016) A comparison of conventional and automatic milking system pasture utilization and pre‐and post‐grazing pasture mass. Grass and Forage Science 71 (1), 153-159, 2016
Watt, L.J., Clark, C.E.F., Krebs, G.L., Petzel, C.E., Nielsen, S., Utsami, S.A. (2016) Differential rumination, intake, and enteric methane production of dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science 98 (10), 7248-7263, 2015
V. E. Scott, K. L. Kerrisk and S. C. Garcia (2016) Offering a forage crop at
pasture did not adversely affect voluntary cow traffic or milking visits in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Animal (2016), 10:3, pp 500–507 © The Animal Consortium 2015
John, A. J., Clark, C. E. F., Freeman, M. J., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C.,
Halachmi, I. (2016). Review: Milking robot utilization, a successful precision livestock farming evolution. Animal doi:10.1017/S1751731116000495. Link
Clark, C. E. F., Lyons, N. A., Millapan, L., Talukder, S., Cronin, G. M.,
Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C. (2015). Rumination and activity levels as pre-
dictors of calving for dairy cows. Animal 9(4): 691-695.
Hills, J. L., Garcia, S. C., Rue, B. dela, Clark, C. E. F.(2015). Limitations and
potential for individualised feeding of concentrate supplements to grazing dairy cows. Animal Production Science 55(7): 922-930.
Hills, J. L., Wales, W. J., Dunshea, F. R., Garcia, S. C., Roche, J. R. (2015). An evaluation of the likely effects of individualized feeding of concentrate supplements to pasture-based dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 98(3): 1363-1401.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., Clark, C. E. F., Kerrisk, K. L. (2015). Modelling pasture-based automatic milking system herds: grazeable forage options. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 28(5): 703-715.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., Clark, C. E. F., Kerrisk, K. L. (2015). Modelling pasture-based automatic milking system herds: system fitness of grazeable home-grown forages, land areas and walking distances. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 28(6): 903-910.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., Clark, C. E. F., Kerrisk, K. L. (2015). Modelling pasture-based automatic milking system herds: the impact of large herd on milk yield and economics. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 28(7): 1044-1052.
Lee, J. M., Hemmingson, N. R., Minnee, E. M. K., Clark, C. E. F. (2015). Management strategies for chicory (Cichorium intybus) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata): impact on dry matter yield, nutritive characteristics and plant density. Crop & Pasture Science 66(2): 168-183.
Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C. (2015). Milking permission and milking intervals in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Animal Production Science 55(1): 42-48.
Scott, V. E., Kerrisk, K. L.,Thomson, P. C., Lyons, N. A., Garcia, S. C.(2015). Voluntary cow traffic and behaviour in the premilking yard of a pasture-based automatic milking system with a feed supplementation regime. Livestock Science 171: 52-63.
Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K. L., Clark, C. E. F., Garcia, S. C., Celi, P. (2015). Rumination patterns, locomotion activity and milk yield for a dairy cow diagnosed with a left displaced abomasum. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 63(3): 180-181.
Talukder, S., Celi, P., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C., Dhand, N. K. (2015). Factors affecting reproductive performance of dairy cows in a pasture-based, automatic milking system research farm: a retrospective, single-cohort study. Animal Production Science 55(1): 31-41.
Talukder, S., Gabai, G., Celi, P. (2015). The use of digital infrared thermography and measurement of oxidative stress biomarkers as tools to diagnose foot lesions in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 127: 80-85.
Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K. L., Gabai, G., Fukutomi, A., Celi, P.. (2015). Changes in milk oxidative stress biomarkers in lactating dairy cows with ovulatory and an-ovulatory oestrous cycles. Animal Reproduction Science 158: 86-95.
Talukder, S., Thomson, P.C., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C.E.F. and Celi, P. (2015) Evaluation of infrared thermography body temperature and collar-mounted accelerometer and acoustic technology for predicting time of ovulationof cows in a pasture-based system. Theriogenology, Vol. 83, Iss. 4, Pp 739–748
Watt, L.J., Clark, C.E.F., Krebs, G.L., Petzel, C.E., Nielsen, S., Utsumi, S.A. (2015) Differential rumination, intake, and enteric methane production of dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 98, Issue 10, Pages 7248–7263
Celi, P., Gabai, G., Morgante, M., Gallo, L. (2014) Enhancing postgraduate learning and teaching: Postgraduate Summer School in Dairy Science. Veterinary Medicine International, vol. 2014, Article ID 409549, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/409549.
Clark, C. E. F., Mitchell, M. L., Islam, M. R., Jacobs, B. (2014) Phosphorus content of th soil influences the growth and productivity of Themeda triandra Forssk. and Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br. The Rangeland Journal 36(3), 233-237.
Clark, C.E.F., Horadagoda, A., Kerrisk, K.L., Scott, V., Islam, M.R., Kaur, R., Garcia, S.C (2014). Grazing Soybean to Increase Voluntary Cow Traffic in a Pasture-Based Automatic Milking System. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 27 (3) 422 -430
Clark, C.E.F., Kwinten1, N.B.P., van Gastel, D.A.J.M, Kerrisk, K.L., Lyons, N.A., Garcia, S.C. (2014). Differences in Voluntary Cow Traffic between Holstein and Illawarra Breeds of Dairy Cattle in a Pasture-based Automatic Milking System. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 27 (4) 587-591.
Garcia SC, Islam, MR, Clark CF. Martin P (2014). Kikuyu-based pasture for dairy production: a review. Invited review to Crop and Pasture Science.( )
Golder, H.M., Celi, P, Rabiee, A.R., Lean, I.J. (2014). Effects of Feed Additives on Rumen and Blood Profiles During a Starch and Fructose Challenge. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(2), 985-1004.
Golder, H.M., Celi, P., Rabiee, A., Lean, I.J. (2014) Ruminal acidosis in 21-month-old Holstein heifer. Canadian Veterinary Journal, In Press.
Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L. and Garcia, S. C. (2014). Milking frequency management in pasture-based automatic milking systems: A review. Livestock Science, 159, 102-116.
Ranade, R., Talukder, S., Muscatello, G., Celi, P. (2014) Assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate and blood of dairy heifer calves from birth to weaning. Veterinary Journal, 202(3), 583-587.
Scott, V., Thomson, P.C., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia. S.C. (2014) Influence of provision of concentrate at milking on voluntary cow traffic in a pasture-based Automatic Milking System. Journal of Dairy Science, 97 (3), 1481-1490.
Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K. L., Ingenhoff, L., Thomson, P.C., Garcia, S. C., Celi, P. (2014). Infrared technology for estrus detection and as a predictor of time of ovulation in dairy cows in a pasture based system. Theriogenology, 81, 925-935. (Abstract)
Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Ingenhoff, L., Gabai, G., Garcia, S.C., Celi, P. (2014) Changes in plasma oxidative stress biomarkers in dairy cows after oestrus synchronisation with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) and prostaglandinF2α (PGF2α). CSIRO.
Talukder, S., Ingenhoff, L., Kerrisk, K. L., Celi, P. (2014) Plasma oxidative stress biomarkers and progesterone profiles in a dairy cow diagnosed with an ovarian follicular cyst. Veterinary Quarterly, 34(2), 113-117.
Barbato, O., Merlo, M., Celi, P., Sousa, N. M., Guarneri, L., Beckers, J. F., & Gabai, G. (2013). Relationship between plasma progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations during early pregnancy in dairy cows. Veterinary Journal, 195(3), 385-387.
Celi, P. (2013). Yerba Mate ( Ilex paraguariensis) as strategic supplement for dairy cows. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper(175), 11-18.
Celi, P. (2013). Yerba Mate ( Ilex paraguariensis) as strategic supplement for dairy cows. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper(175), 11-18.
Farina, S. R., Alford, A., Garcia, S. C., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2013). An integrated assessment of business risk for pasture-based dairy farm systems intensification. Agricultural Systems, 115, 10-20.
Golder, H. M., Lean, I. J., Rabiee, A. R., King, R., Celi, P. (2013). Effects of grain, fructose, and histidine feeding on endotoxin and oxidative stress measures in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (12), pp 7881-7891
Jago, J., Eastwood, C., Kerrisk, K., & Yule, I. (2013). Precision dairy farming in Australasia: adoption, risks and opportunities. Animal Production Science, 53(9), 907-916.
Kolbach, R., Kerrisk, K. L., & Garcia, S. C. (2013). The effect of premilking with a teat cup-like device, in a novel robotic rotary, on attachment accuracy and milk removal. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(1), 360-365.
Kolbach, R., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C., & Dhand, N. K. (2013). Effects of bail activation sequence and feed availability on cow traffic and milk harvesting capacity in a robotic rotary dairy. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(4), 2137-2146.
Lean, I.J., Golder, H.M., Black, J.L., King, R., Rabiee, A.R. (2013) In vivo indices for predicting acidosis risk of grains in cattle: Comparison with in vitro methods. Journal of Animal Science 91:2823-2835.
Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L., & Garcia, S. C. (2013). Comparison of 2 systems of pasture allocation on milking intervals and total daily milk yield of dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(7), 4494-4504.
Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L., & Garcia, S. C. (2013). Effect of pre- versus postmilking supplementation on traffic and performance of cows milked in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(7), 4397-4405.
Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L., Dhand, N. K. and Garcia, S. C. (2013). Factors associated with extended milking intervals in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Livestock Science, 158, 179-188.
Rawnsley, R., Chapman, D., Jacobs, J., Garcia, SC., Callow, M., Edwards, G., Pembleton, K. (2013). Complementary Forages- integration at a whole farm level. Animal Production Science, 53, 976-987
Celi, P., Merlo, M., Barbato, O., & Gabai, G. (2012). Relationship between oxidative stress and the success of artificial insemination in dairy cows in a pasture-based system. Veterinary Journal, 193(2), 498-502.
Golder, H. M., Celi, P., Rabiee, A. R., Heuer, C., Bramley, E., Miller, D. W., Lean, I. J. (2012). Effects of grain, fructose, and histidine on ruminal pH and fermentation products during an induced subacute acidosis protocol. Journal of Dairy Science, 95(4), 1971-1982.
Hammer, J. F., Morton, J. M., & Kerrisk, K. L. (2012). Quarter-milking-, quarter-, udder- and lactation-level risk factors and indicators for clinical mastitis during lactation in pasture-fed dairy cows managed in an automatic milking system. Australian Veterinary Journal, 90(5), 167-174.
Islam, M. R., & Garcia, S. C. (2012). Effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilizer on forage yield, nitrogen- and water-use efficiency and nutritive value of an annual triple-crop complementary forage rotation. Grass and Forage Science, 67(1), 96-110.
Islam, M. R., & Garcia, S. C. (2012). Rates and timing of nitrogen fertilizer application on yield, nutritive value and nutrient-use efficiency of early- and late-sown forage maize. Grass and Forage Science, 67(1), 24-33.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., & Horadagoda, A. (2012). Effects of irrigation and rates and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter yield, proportions of plant fractions of maize and nutritive value and in vitro gas production characteristics of whole crop maize silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 172(3-4), 125-135.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., & Horadagoda, A. (2012). Effects of residual nitrogen, nitrogen fertilizer, sowing date and harvest time on yield and nutritive value of forage rape. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 177(1-2), 52-64.
Kolbach, R., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C., & Dhand, N. K. (2012). Attachment accuracy of a novel prototype robotic rotary and investigation of two management strategies for incomplete milked quarters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 88, 120-124.
Lean, I. J., Celi, P., Raadsma, H., McNamara, J., & Rabiee, A. R. (2012). Effects of dietary crude protein on fertility: meta-analysis and meta-regression. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 171(1), 31-42.
Celi, P. (2011). The potential use of Yerba Mate ( Ilex paraguariensis) in ruminants’ diets. Nakhon Ratchasima: Suranaree University of Technology.
Celi, P., Merlo, M., Dalt, L. d., Stefani, A., Barbato, O., Gabai, G., & da Dalt, L. (2011). Relationship between late embryonic mortality and the increase in plasma advanced oxidised protein products (AOPP) in dairy cows. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 23(4), 527-533.
Farina, S. R., Garcia, S. C., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2011). A complementary forage system whole-farm study: forage utilisation and milk production. Animal Production Science, 51(5), 460-470.
Farina, S. R., Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., & Barchia, I. M. (2011). Pasture-based dairy farm systems increasing milk production through stocking rate or milk yield per cow: pasture and animal responses. Grass and Forage Science, 66(3), 316-332.
Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., & Henry, D. (2011). Use of normalised difference vegetation index, nitrogen concentration, and total nitrogen content of whole maize plant and plant fractions to estimate yield and nutritive value of hybrid forage maize. Crop & Pasture Science, 62(5), 374-382.
Jago, J., & Kerrisk, K. (2011). Training methods for introducing cows to a pasture-based automatic milking system. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 131(3/4), 79-85.
Kaur, R., Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., & Barchia, I. M. (2011). Degradation kinetics of leaves, petioles and stems of forage rape ( Brassica napus) as affected by maturity. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 168(3/4), 165-178.
Lean, I. J., & Rabiee, A. R. (2011). Effect of feeding biotin on milk production and hoof health in lactating dairy cows: A quantitative assessment. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3), 1465-1476.
Bryant, J. R., Ogle, G., Marshall, P. R., Glassey, C. B., Lancaster, J. A. S., Garcia, S. C., & Holmes, C. W. (2010). Description and evaluation of the Farmax Dairy Pro decision support model. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(1), 13-28. doi: Pii 920608247
Celi, P., & Raadsma, H. W. (2010). Effects of Yerba Mate ( Ilex paraguariensis) supplementation on the productive performance of dairy cows during mid-lactation. Animal Production Science, 50(5/6), 339-344.
Celi, P., & Robinson, A. (2010). Effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) supplementation on the performance of dairy calves. Animal Production Science, 50(5-6), 376-381
Celi, P., Lean, I., McNamara, J., Raadsma, H., & Rabiee, A. (2010). Development of a mechanistic metabolic model of regulation of reproductive processes in dairy cattle. In G. M. Crovetto (Ed.), Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. 3rd EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Parma, Italy, 6-10 September, 2010 (pp. 327-328). Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Donohue, R. H., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C., Dickeson, D. A., & Thomson, P. C. (2010). Evaluation of two training programs aimed to improve early lactation performance of heifers in a pasture-based automated milking system. Animal Production Science, 50(10), 939-945.
Kaur, R., Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., & Barchia, I. (2010). Utilisation of forage rape ( Brassica napus) and Persian clover ( Trifolium resupinatum) diets by sheep: effects on whole tract digestibility and rumen parameters. Animal Production Science, 50(1), 59-67.
Kaur, R., Garcia, S. C., Horadagoda, A., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2010). Evaluation of rumen probe for continuous monitoring of rumen pH, temperature and pressure. Animal Production Science, 50(2), 98-104.
Pedernera, M., Celi, P., Garcia, S. C., Salvin, H. E., Barchia, I., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2010). Effect of diet, energy balance and milk production on oxidative stress in early-lactating dairy cows grazing pasture. Veterinary Journal, 186(3), 352-357.
Stefanski, E. P., Garcia, S. C., Farina, S. R., Tan, D. K. Y., & Tanner, D. (2010). Effects of sowing rate and grazing management of forage rape (Brassica napus) on grazing behaviour and utilisation by dairy cattle. Animal Production Science, 50(5-6), 560-567.
Horadagoda, A., Fulkerson, W. J., Nandra, K. S., & Barchia, I. M. (2009). Grazing preferences by dairy cows for 14 forage species. Animal Production Science, 49(7), 586-594.
Kaur, R., Garcia, S. C., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2009). Feeding time and sequence of forage rape and maize silage does not affect digestibility and rumen parameters in sheep. Animal Production Science, 49(4), 318-325.
Neal, J. S., Fulkerson, W. J., Lawrie, R., & Barchia, I. M. (2009). Difference in yield and persistence among perennial forages used by the dairy industry under optimum and deficit irrigation. Crop & Pasture Science, 60(11), 1071-1087.
Bramley, E., Lean, I. J., Fulkerson, W. J., Stevenson, M. A., Rabiee, A. R., & Costa, N. D. (2008). The definition of acidosis in dairy herds predominantly fed on pasture and concentrates. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(1), 308-321.
Davis, K. L., Fulkerson, W. J., Garcia, S. C., Dickeson, D., & Barchia, I. M. (2008). Premilking teat preparation for Australian pasture-based cows milked by an automated milking system. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(7), 2604-2609.
Fulkerson, W. J., Davison, T. M., Garcia, S. C., Hough, G., Goddard, M. E., Dobos, R., & Blockey, M. (2008). Holstein-Friesian dairy cows under a predominantly grazing system: interaction between genotype and environment. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(2), 826-839.
Fulkerson, W. J., Horadagoda, A., Neal, J. S., Barchia, I., & Nandra, K. S. (2008). Nutritive value of forage species grown in the warm temperate climate of Australia for dairy cows: herbs and grain crops. Livestock Science, 114(1), 75-83.
Garcia, S. C., Farina, S. R., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2008). The use of complementary forage systems to go beyond the limits of pasture-based systems. Orange: NSW Department of Primary Industries.
Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., & Brookes, S. U. (2008). Dry matter production, nutritive value and efficiency of nutrient utilization of a complementary forage rotation compared to a grass pasture system. Grass and Forage Science, 63(3), 284-300.
Horadagoda, A., Fulkerson, W. J., Barchia, I., Dobos, R. C., & Nandra, K. S. (2008). The effect of grain species, processing and time of feeding on the efficiency of feed utilization and microbial protein synthesis in sheep. Livestock Science, 114(1), 117-126.
Kaur, R., Nandra, K. S., Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., & Horadagoda, A. (2008). Efficiency of utilisation of different diets with contrasting forages and concentrate when fed to sheep in a discontinuous feeding pattern. Livestock Science, 119(1-3), 77-86.
Neal, J., Fulkerson, W., & Lawrie, R. (2008). Level of water stress substantially affects productivity and water use efficiency of 30 forages used by the Australia dairy industry. Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing House.
Pedernera, M., Garcia, S. C., Horagadoga, A., Barchia, I., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2008). Energy balance and reproduction on dairy cows fed to achieve low or high milk production on a pasture-based system. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(10), 3896-3907.
Fulkerson, W. J., Neal, J. S., Clark, C. F., Horadagoda, A., Nandra, K. S., & Barchia, I. (2007). Nutritive value of forage species grown in the warm temperate climate of Australia for dairy cows: grasses and legumes. Livestock Science, 107(2/3), 253-264.
Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., Nettle, R., Kenny, S., & Armstrong, D. (2007). FutureDairy: a national, multidisciplinary project to assist dairy farmers to manage future challenges – methods and early findings. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47(9), 1025-1031.
Garcia, S. C., Pedernera, M., Fulkerson, W. J., Horadagoda, A., & Nandra, K. (2007). Feeding concentrates based on individual cow requirements improves the yield of milk solids in dairy cows grazing restricted pasture. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47(5), 502-508.
Jago, J. G., Davis, K. L., Copeman, P. J., Ohnstad, I., & Woolford, M. M. (2007). Supplementary feeding at milking and minimum milking interval effects on cow traffic and milking performance in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Research, 74(4), 492-499.
Neal, M., Neal, J., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2007). Optimal choice of dairy forages in Eastern Australia. Journal of Dairy Science, 90(6), 3044-3059.
Clark, C. E. F., Fulkerson, W. J., Nandra, K. S., Smith, H., & Macmillan, K. L. (2006). Pattern of change in the concentration of milk acetone and its association with ovarian activity for pasture-based cows in early lactation. Livestock Science, 105(1/3), 144-150.
Fulkerson, W. J., Nandra, K. S., Clark, C. F., & Barchia, I. (2006). Effect of cereal-based concentrates on productivity of Holstein-Friesian cows grazing short-rotation ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum) or kikuyu ( Pennesitum clandestinum) pastures. Livestock Science, 103(1/2), 85-94.
Garcia, S. C., Fulkerson, W. J., Kenny, S., & Nettle, R. (2006). Producing over 40 t dry matter/ha per year through a complementary forage rotation system. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 68, 69-73.
Jago, J. G., Davis, K. L., Copeman, P. J., & Woolford, M. M. (2006). The effect of pre-milking teat-brushing on milk processing time in an automated milking system. Journal of Dairy Research, 73(2), 187-192.
Callow, M. N., Fulkerson, W. J., Donaghy, D. J., Morris, R. J., Sweeney, G., & Upjohn, B. (2005). Response of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) to renovation in Australian dairy pastures. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(12), 1559-1565.
Clark, C. E. F., Fulkerson, W. J., Nandra, K. S., Barchia, I., & Macmillan, K. L. (2005). The use of indicators to assess the degree of mobilisation of body reserves in dairy cows in early lactation on a pasture-based diet. Livestock Production Science, 94(3), 199-211.
Fulkerson, W. J., McKean, K., Nandra, K. S., & Barchia, I. M. (2005). Benefits of accurately allocating feed on a daily basis to dairy cows grazing pasture. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(4), 331-336.
Garcia, S. C., & Fulkerson, W. J. (2005). Opportunities for future Australian dairy systems: a review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(9), 1041-1055.
Lowe, K. F., Fulkerson, W. J., Walker, R. G., Armour, J. D., Bowdler, T. M., Slack, K., Pepper, P. M. (2005). Comparative productivity of irrigated short-term ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum) pasture receiving nitrogen, grown alone or in a mixture with white ( Trifolium repens) and Persian ( T resupinatum) clovers. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45(1), 21-39.
Garcia, S.C., Holmes, C.W. (2005) Seasonality of calving in pasture-based dairy systems: its effects on herbage production, utilization and dry matter intake.” Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(1): 1-9.
Clark, C. E. F., Fulkerson, W. J., & Nandra, K. S. (2004). The effect of cereal grain-based supplements on blood beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in dairy cows in a pasture-based system. Animal Production in Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production, 25, 223.
Clark, C. E. F., Fulkerson, W. J., Nandra, K. S., & Dove, H. (2004). Estimating pasture intake using eta-alkanes and known supplement intake. Animal Production in Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production, 25, 224.
Dobos, R. C., Nandra, K. S., Riley, K., Fulkerson, W. J., Alford, A., & Lean, I. J. (2004). Effects of age and liveweight of dairy heifers at first calving on multiple lactation production. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 44(10), 969-974.
Trevaskis, L. M., Fulkerson, W. J., & Nandra, K. S. (2004). Effect of time of feeding carbohydrate supplements and pasture on production of dairy cows. Livestock Production Science, 85(2/3), 275-285.
Trevaskis, L. M., Fulkerson, W. J., & Nandra, K. S. (2004). Rice increases productivity compared to other carbohydrate supplements in dairy cows grazing kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum), but not ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum), pastures. Livestock Production Science, 87(2/3), 197-206.

Conference Publications


Wildridge, A, Garcia, S.C., Thomson, P, Clark, C.E.F., Jongman, E, Kerrisk, K. (2016) The impact of a partially shaded laneway on voluntary traffic between pasture and an automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Precision Dairy Farming Conference, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. 163-168

Clark, C.E.F. (2016) Hunting Efficiency through Technology. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 21: 40

Molfino, J, Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L. (2016) Efficient and Inefficient cows in Pasture-based Automatic Milking Systems. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 21: 65

Green, A., Thomson, P., Cronin, G., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C.E.F. (2016) Testing decision making in dairy heifers using a sound stimulus. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 21: 75

Wildridge, A, Gracia, S.C., Thomsom, P, Clark, C.E.F., Jongman, E, Kerrisk, K. (2016) The impact of a partially shaded laneway on voluntary cow movement to an automatic milking system.Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 21: 107

John, A.J., Freeman, M.J., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C. E. F. (2016) Diurnal feeding patterns of dairy cattle and implications for automatic milking systems. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 21: 40

John, A.J., Freeman, M.J., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C. E. F. (2015) Herd synchronisation In a pasture-based Automatic Milking System. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 20: 122-127

Wildridge, A., Garcia, S.C., Jongman, E., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C. E. F. (2015) Simulated auto-fetching of dairy cows out of a night pasture allocation. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 20: 116-121

Clark, C.E.F. (2014) Dairy Farmer Z. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 26

Kerrisk, K. (2014) Should anyone build a new dairy with a robot? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 42

Scott, V.E., Kerrisk, K.L., Thomson, B. and Garcia, S.C. (2014) Inside the mind of the cow: understanding voluntary cow traffic behaviour in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 66.

Scott, B.A., Camacho, A., Clark, C.E.F., Golder, H., Molfino, J., Kerrisk, K.L., Lean, I., Garcia, S.C., Chaves, A. and Hall, E. (2014) The impact of milking order on the quality and quantity of pasture accessed. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 73

Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Clark, C.E.F., Garcia, S.C. and Celi, P. (2014) Rumination patterns and locomotion activity in a dairy cow diagnosed with left displaced Abomasum (lda): A case report. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 91

Molfino, J., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C. (2014) Impact of Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) on labour and lifestyle on commercial farms in Australia. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 19: 105.

Clark, C. (2013) What are we feeding to our cows? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 18: 44

John, A.J., Clark, C.E.F., Freeman, M., Kerrisk, K.L., Rawnsley, R. and Garcia, S.C. (2013). Pasture allocation on a pasture-based farm achieving a consistently high milking robot utilization rate. Proceedings of the precision dairy conference and expo, 26-27 June, Rochester, Minnesota.

Clark, C.E.F., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L., Underwood, J.P., Nieto, J.I., Calleija, M.S., Sukkarieh, S. and Cronin, G.M. (2013). A robot amongst the herd: A pilot investigation regarding the behavioural response of dairy cows. Proceedings of the 4th Australia and New Zealand Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium, 26-27 September 2013, Camden, Australia.

Underwood, J.P., Calleija, M., Nieto, J., Sukkarieh, S., Clark, C.E.F., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L. and Cronin, G.M. (2013). A robot amongst the herd: remote detection and tracking of cows. Proceedings of the 4th Australia and New Zealand Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium, 26-27 September 2013, Camden, Australia.

John, A., Clark, C., Freeman, M., Kerrisk, K. and Rawnsley, R. (2013) Pasture Management in Two High Performing Automatic Milking Systems. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 18: 99

Scott, V. E., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C. and Thomson, P.C. (2013) Does Offering Feed Before or After Milking Influence Behaviours of Cows in a Pasture-Based Automatic Milking System? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 18: 104

Taing, W., Malcolm, B. and Kerrisk, K. (2013) Exploring labour and capital substitution of adopting automatic milking systems in pasture-based dairy farm Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 18: 110

Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C., Ingenhoff, L. and Celi, P. (2013) Can Digital Infrared Thermography Help with Prediction of Ovulation in a Pasture-Based Dairy System? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 18: 145

Campbell, M. (2012) Commercial reality of integrating forage crops on a pasture based dairy. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden

Clark, C (2012) Growing more pasture and your profits. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden
Garcia, S.C. and Islam, R. (2012) How complementary forage systems can help farmers to reduce ‘wastage’ and increase productivity. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden

Golder, H., Bramley, E., Rabiee, A.R., Celi, P. and Lean, I. (2012) Validation of an acidosis model. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Lyons, N. and Kolbach, R. (2012) Accepting technologies on our dairy farms. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Lyons, N., Kerrisk, K. and, Garcia, S.C (2012) Can pre – feeding reduce milking intervals of cows milked in a pasture-based automatic milking system? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Scott, V., Kerrisk, K. and Garcia, S.C. (2012) Investigating the effect of a forage crop on voluntary cow traffic in a pasture-based system.Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden

Talukdar, S. (2012) Use of thermal infrared scanning technique for oestrus detection in dairy cows. ? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Campbell, M (2011) An investigation into the flexible use of forage systems in Northern Victoria: The Forage Planning Exercise. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Golder, H. (2011) Effects of carbohydrates and histidine on ruminal pH and fermentation products during an induced acidosis protocol . Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Kerrisk, K (2011) Robotic rotary: revolutionising milk harvesting as we know it? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Kolbach, R (2011) Investigation into the effect of different bail activation sequences with a robotic rotary. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Lyons, N. (2011) Management strategy to impact on milking intervals and total daily yield of dairy cows in an automatic milking system, under typical Australian pasture-based conditions. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Scott, V. (2011) Understanding the effect of feed vs. No feed on cow queuing behaviour within the new robotic rotary system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Campbell, M (2010) An investigation into the flexible use of different forage systems in Northern Victoria – a systems analysis approach. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.

Dickeson D (2010) Pasture measurement a key to success in Automatic Milking. Proceedings of Australian Dairy Conference. 76-79.

Dickeson, D (2010) Quantification of the effects of inaccurate pasture allocation in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp

Farina S (2010) Less grain and more gains: milking from home-grown forage. Proceedings of Australian Dairy Conference. 80-82.

Farina, S (2010) Environmental impact of increasing stocking rate or milk yield per cow on a pasture-based dairy farm system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp

Kerrisk K (2010) Robotics in future farming systems – where are we going. Proceedings of Australian Dairy Conference. 50-53.

Kerrisk K and Ravenhill B (2010) Learnings around Automatic Milking System adoption on-farm. Proceedings of Australian Dairy Conference. 45-49.

Kolbach, R (2010) Quantifying the frequency of successful reattachment (after 1 vs. 3 hours) of un-milked quarters with a prototype AMS. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp

Lisle, A and Kempton, K. (2010) FutureDairy 2’s Hunter Valley farm collaboration project. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp

Lyons, N (2010) Investigation into the effect of variable milking intervals on total yield of dairy cows in an automatic milking system, under typical australian pasture-based conditions. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp

Dickeson, D., Kerrisk K and Garcia S (2009). Quantification of the effects of inaccurate pasture allocation in a pasture based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14

Fariña, S.R., Garcia, S.C. and Fulkerson, W.J. (2009). Strategies to maximise intake per ha in a pasture based system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14

Horadogoda, A. (2009). What forages do cows prefer if given choice? Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. pp 14

Islam, MD. (2009). Forage options to increase forage and water productivity in autumn-winter Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14.

Islam, M.R., Garcia, S.C., (2009). Forage options to increase forage and water productivity in autumn-winter. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium.

Kaur, R. (2009). Rumen degradation kinetics of forage rape (brassica napus) at different weeks of maturity. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14

Kerrisk, K. (2009). Feeding in an automated milking system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14

Kuar, R. (2009). Continuous monitoring of rumen ph using rumen probes. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. pp 14.

Dickeson D.A., Kerrisk K.L., Garcia S.C. (2008) Quantification of the effects of inaccurate pasture allocation in a Pasture based Automatic Milking System. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 13: 34.

Fariña, S.R., Garcia, S.C., Alford, A., Fulkerson, W.J. (2008). More milk from home grown feed: more profits? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 13: 58.

Garcia S. C., Fariña S. R. and Fulkerson W. J. (2008) The use of complementary forage systems to go beyond the limits of pasture-based systems. In: Hatcher S. (ed.) Pushing Grazing Systems: how far should we go? pp. 26-29. Cowra: ASAP-NSW DPI

Garcia, S.C., Farina, S and Fulkerson, W.J. (2008). The Use of Complementary Forage Systems to Go Beyond the Limits of Pasture-Based Systems. ASAP and NSW DPI seminar.

Garcia, S.C., Farina, S., Alford, A., Fulkerson, W. (2008). Lifting on-farm productivity by increasing stocking rate, milk yield per cow, or both: The Feeding Module of FutureDairy. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 13: 90.

Kaur, R. (2008) Can forage rape be fed with maize silage at any time of the day? Proceedings of Australian Dairy Conference held at Launceston, Tasmania, Feb 19-21, pp 134-134.

Kaur, R., Garcia, S., Fulkerson, W. (2008).Effects of forage rape (Brassica napus) and persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum) on rumen parameters in sheep. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 13: 54.

Kerrisk, K., Garcia, S.C., Dickeson, D. (2008) Automatic milking system performance update. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 13: 81.

Davis, K. (2007) Farming 4 Life – the challenging faces of dairying in Australia. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 159-169.

Davis, K., Fulkerson, W.J. and Garcia, S.C. (2007) Automatic milking. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 120-131.

Davis, K.L., and Fulkerson W.J. (2007). Future dairy technology innovations. Dairy Innovation Day Proceedings, Mt Gambier, South Australia. p 22-27.

Davis, K.L., Garcia, S.C., and Fulkerson W.J. (2007). Investigation into feasibility of automatic milking in a pasture-based dairy farm system. Proceedings of the 2007 Large Herd Conference, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. p 96-103.

Farina, S (2007) Maximising milk production/ha from home grown feed: over 30,000L/ha from a complementary forage rotation/pasture system. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 47-51.

Fulkerson, W.J., Dickeson, D. and Davis, K. (2007). Accurately allocating pasture to dairy cows. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, TheUniversity of Sydney, Camden. 12: 112-119.

Garcia, S.C., Fulkerson W.J., Brookes S.U. and Kenny S. (2007). FutureDairy: boosting forage production/ha. Proceedings of the 2007 Large Herd Conference, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

Kaboré, B (2007) Complementary forage rotation as alternative pasture production for dairy cows. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 52-55.

Kaur, R (2007) Time of feeding forage rape (Brassica napus) in relation to maize silage effects on digestibility and rumen parameter. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 56-58.

Pedernera, M (2007) Is 6,000L or 9,000L/cow lactation the best option, what is the cows perspective? Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden. 12: 64-66.

Davis, K. (2006) Automatic Milking at Camden “Dairy farming with townie hours’. Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.11. p 74.

Davis, K.l., Jago, J.G., MacDonald, K.A., McGowan, J.E., WoolFord, M.W. (2006). Pasture ultilisation in a pastoral automated milking system. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grasslands Assocaition. 86: 81-86.

Fulkerson, W.J. (2006). Innovations for the Future Dairy farm. Proc. Dairy Innovators Forum, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Fulkerson, W.J. (2006). The FutureDairy program: meeting tomorrow’s challenges. Proc. Dairy Innovations Day, Dairy SA, Murray Bridge, South Australia.

Garcia S.C., Pedernera-Romano M., Rogers, A. and Fariña, S. (2006) Increasing productivity on farm: 3. The ‘Feeding’ Module of FutureDairy. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11: 65-72

Garcia S.C., Pedernera-Romano M., Taylor-Craig V., Rogers A., Horadogoda A., Fulkerson W.J. (2006). Effect of feeding level and social hierarchy in dairy cows fed restricted and unrestricted diets. Dairy Science Symposium, Mount Gambia, South Australia.

Garcia, S.C. and Fulkerson W.J.(2006) Increasing productivity on farm:2. Key factors to achieve over 17 t DM/ha of utlilised pasture. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11: 54-64

Garcia, S.C., Fulkerson W.J. and Brookes S.U. (2006) Increasing productivity on farm: 1. Latest results of the ‘Forages’ Module of FutureDairy. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11: 48-52

Kabore B., Fulkerson W.J., Garcia S.C., Milham, P and Vervoort R.W. (2006). Investigating into soil nutrient balance and change in soil physical characteristic under an intensive complementary cropping rotation in comparison to pasture. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11:139-141.

Kaur R., Nandra K., Fulkerson W.J., Horadagoda A. and Garcia S.C. (2006). Studies on the efficiency of utilisation of contrasting dairy cow rations using sheep as a model: preliminary results. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11:130-135.

Kenny SN (2006) FutureDairy Innovations to meet tomorrows challenges. Proceedings of the Victorian dairy conference. Shepparton, Victoria.

Pedernera-Romano M., Garcia S.C., Horadogoda A., Barchia I. and Fulkerson W.J. (2006). Reproductive and health performance of cows in early lactation fed to produce 6000 or 8000L milk/lactation in a pasture-based system. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11:125-128.

Shrestha P., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J., Horadagoda A. and Barchia I, (2006). Double crop Complementary Forage Rotation –a sustainable forage option. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 11:136-138.

Garcia S.C., Pedernera-Romano M., Horadogoda A. and Fulkerson W.J. (2005). Studies on energy balance and reproductive performance of cows fed to achieve contrasting milk yields. Dairy Science Symposium, Mount Gambier, SA.

Garcia, S.C., Fulkerson W.J., Kenny S.and Brookes S.U. (2005). ‘FutureDairy: a ‘quantum leap’ in forage production -40tDM/ha.year with a complementary forage rotation system’ Proceedings of the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, The University of Sydney, Camden.10. Pp 39-51

Pedernera-Romano M., Garcia S.C., Horadogoda A. and Fulkerson W.J. (2005). Energy balance and reproductive performance of 40 dairy cows fed to achieve contrasting milk yields. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 10:138-139.

Shrestha P., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J. and Horadagoda A., (2005). Comparing brassica and annual clovers as an option to complementary forage rotation system. Dairy Research Foundation, Current topics in dairy production, Camden NSW. 10: 146-147.

Shrestha P., Garcia S.C.and Fulkerson W.J., Horadogoda A. (2005). Studies on complementary forage rotation system. Dairy Science Symposium, Mount Gambia, SA.


Butler, S., Thomson, P., Lomax, S., Clark, C.E.F. (2017) Optimising calf rearing and weaning by monitoring the real-time development of rumination. Precision Livestock Farming Conference 2017 (paper)

Lomax, S., Colusso, P., Gargulio, J., Clark, C.E.F. (2017) Determining learning and behavioural response to a virtual fence for dairy cows. Precision Livestock Farming Conference 2017 (paper)

Clark, C.E.F., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L., Underwood, J.P., Nieto, J.I., Calleija, M.S., Sukkarieh, S., Cronin, G.M. (2014). HerdingCows with a Robot: The Behavioral Response of Dairy Cows to an Unmanned Ground Vehicle. 2014 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting, USA.

Golder, H. (2014) Is ruminal acidosis costing you money? Why? How do you know? Program and Proceedings of the Australian Dairy Conference. pp. 50-52. Geelong, Vic, 25-27th February, 2014.

Islam, M. R., Clark, C. E. F., Horadagoda, A., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C. (2014). Effects of defoliation height and severity on the nutritive value and growth of forage rape. International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores, 8-12 September 2014, Canberra, Australia.

Islam, M. R., Clark, C. E. F., Kerrisk, K. L., Garcia, S. C. (2014). Modelling the impact of increasing herd size on milk yield, milking interval and profit in forage based automatic milking system. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 19-21 November 2014, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Paper)

Islam, M. R., Garcia, S. C., Horadagoda, A., Clark, C. E. F., Cajarville, C., Repetto, J. L. (2014). Effects of maturity and plant density on yield of maize plants and quality of maize silage. International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores, 8-12 September 2014, Canberra, Australia.

Kaur, R., Clark, C.E.F., Millipan, L.O., Horadagoda, A., Golder, H., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C., Islam, M.R. (2014) The impact of grain-based concentrate allocation and ryegrass pasture sward on intake and milk production. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 19-21 November 2014, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Paper)

Molfino, J., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C. (2014) Investigation into the labour and lifestyle impacts of automatic milking systems (AMS) on commercial farms in Australia. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 19-21 November 2014, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Paper)

Scott, B.A., Camacho. A., Golder, H., Molfino, J., Kerrisk, K.L., Lean, I., Garcia, S.C., Chaves, A.V., Hall, E., Clark, C.E.F. (2014). The nutritive value of pasture ingested by dairy cows varies within a herd. Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2014 (Paper)

Aponte, D., Rossi, J., Raciti, J., Celi, P. (2013) Mortality rate of dairy calves in a calf rearing farm (CRF). Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 710.

Celi, P. (2013) Oxidative Stress in ruminant health and production. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Animal & Dairy Sciences, 23-24 July 2013 , Las Vegas, USA, Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, Vol 4 (4): 19.

Celi, P. and Chauhan, S. (2013) Oxidative Stress Management in Farm Animals: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC), pp. 95-109, 27-31 July 2013, Lanzhou, China.

Clark, C.E.F., Islam, MD., Horadagoda, A., Kaur, R., Golder, H., Garcia, S.C and Kerrisk, K.L. (2013). Increasing feed conversion efficiency in automatic milking systems: The impact of grain-based concentrate allocation and kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) pasture state on kikuyu pasture digestibility. Proceedings of the 22nd international Grasslands Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia.

Clark, C.E.F., Kwinten, N., Van gastel, D., Kerrisk, K., Lyons, N. amd Garcia, S.C. (2013) Can breed selection impact voluntary cow traffic in pasture-based automatic milking systems? Proceedings of the Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Minnesota, US, 2013.

Garcia, S.C., Clark, C., Kerrisk, K.L., Islam, MD., Fariña, S.R. and Evans, J (2013) Gaps and variability in pasture utilisation in Australian pasture-based dairy systems. Proceedings of the 22nd international Grasslands Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia.

Golder, H.M., Celi, P., Lean, I.J. (2013) Case study: Clinical rumen acidosis in a dairy heifer challenged with starch and fructose. Proceeding of the Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition – Australia Conference, pp 37-38, Armidale, NSW, Australia 23-25 October 2013.

Golder, H.M., Denman, S.E., McSweeney, C., Rabiee, A.R., Celi, P., Lean, I.J. (2013) Bacteria populations in grain-, sugar-, and histidine-challenged cattle. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 454.

Golder, H.M., Denman, S.E., McSweeney, C., Wales, W.J., Auldist, M.J., Rabiee, A.R., Celi, P., Lean, I.J. (2013) Meta-genomics of rumen bacteria in cows exposed to different feeding strategies. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 450.

Golder, H.M., Rabiee, A.R., Celi, P., Lean, I.J (2013) Effects of feed additives during a starch and fructose challenge. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 697.

Golder, H.M., Rabiee, A.R., Celi, P., Lean, I.J. (2013) Ruminal effects of feed additives on dairy heifers during a starch and fructose challenge. Proceeding of the Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition – Australia Conference, pp 35-36, Armidale, NSW, Australia 23-25 October 2013.

Golder, H.M.,Lean I.J. (2013) Ruminal Acidosis: How to diagnose and how to treat. The Australian Cattle Veterinarian. pp 19-21.

Horadagoda, A., Clark, C.E.F., Kerrisk, K.L., Islam, M.D., Kaur, R. and Garcia, S.C. (2013) Grazing behaviour of dairy cows when grazing forage rape in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the 22nd international Grasslands Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia.

Islam, M.D., Clark, C.E.F., Kerrisk, K., Lyons, N. amd Garcia, S.C. (2013) Land areas required, associated walking distance and milking interval for large herds in pasture based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Minnesota, US, 2013.

Islam, MD., Garcia, S.C., Clark, C.E.F. and Kerrisk, K.L. (2013) System fitness of grazeable forages for large herds in automatic milking systems. Proceedings of the 22nd international Grasslands Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia.

Kaur, R.,Clark, C., Horadagoda, A., Golder, H., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L., and Islam, MD (2013). Increasing feed conversion efficiency in automatic milking systems: The impact of grain-based concentrate allocation and kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) pasture state on milk production. Proceedings of the 22nd international Grasslands Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia.

Lyons, N. A., Kerrisk, K. L., & Garcia, S. C. (2013). Comparison of 2 systems of pasture allocation on milking intervals and total daily milk yield of dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system.Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress, Sydney, Australia. 1729-1730.

Lyons, N., Kerrisk, K. and Garcia, S.C. (2013) Effects of pre versus post-milking supplementation on cow traffic and performance in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Minnesota, US, 2013

Lyons, N., Kerrisk, K. and Garcia, S.C. (2013) Milking permission and milking intervals in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Minnesota, US, 2013.

Ranade, R., Talukder, S., Muscatello, G., Celi, P., (2013) Assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate and blood of dairy heifer calves from birth to weaning. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 413.

Talukder, S., Celi, P. (2013) Use of digital infrared thermography (IRT) and oxidative stress (OS) biomarkers as a diagnostic tool to diagnose interdigital dermatitis in sheep. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 415.

Talukder, S., Ingenhoff, L., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C., Celi, P. (2013) Use of digital infrared thermography to measure the skin temperature changes in estrus synchronized dairy cows. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1, 204.

Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Ingenhoff, L., Thomson, P.C., Garcia, S.C., Celi, P. (2013). Evaluation of infrared thermography for predicting ovulation time in dairy cows. Proceedings of the 4th Australian and New Zealand Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium (SELM), pp.43, 26-27 September 2013, Centre for Carbon, Water and Food, The University of Sydney, Camden, NSW, Australia.

Campbell, M. and Garcia, S.C. (2012) Impact of integrating forage crops on commercial pasture based dairy farms Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 13-15 November, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 68, 343-347

Horadagoda, A., Garcia, S.C., Islam, M.D., Kaur, R. and Clark, C.E.F. (2012) Grazing preferences of forages by dairy cows in different seasons. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 13-15 November, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 68, 407-408

Horadagoda, A., S. C. Garcia, M. R. Islam, R. Kaur and C. E. F. Clark. (2012) Grazing Preferences of Forages by Dairy Cows in Different Seasons. Tallygaroopna: Australasian Dairy Science Symposium.

Islam, M.R., Garcia, S.C., Kerrisk, K.L. (2012). A modelling approach to screen grazable forage options for automatic milking system herds. Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. 5, 459-460.

Jago, J., Eastwood, C., Kerrisk, K. and Yule, I. (2012). Precision dairy farming in Australasia: adoption, risks and opportunities. Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. 5, 123-135.

Lee, J.M., Hemmingson, N.R., Minnee, E.M.K. and Clark C.E.F. (2012). Chicory and plantain management strategies to increase herbage dry matter yield, nutritive value and plant survival. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 13-15 November, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 393-397

Lyons, N., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Garcia, S. (2012). Impact of pre vs. post-milking supplementation on milking interval of cows milked in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. 5, 162-166
Minneé, E.M.K., Clark, C.E.F., McAllister, T.B., Hutchinson, J K. and Lee, J.M. (2012). Chicory and plantain as feeds for dairy cows in late lactation. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 13-15 November, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 426-428

Talukder, S., Celi, P., Kerrisk, K.L., Garcia, S.C., Dhand, N.K. (2012). Reproductive performance of dairy cows in a pasture based Automatic Milking System research farm: a retrospective analysis. In: Animals, Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2012, PP 302-305, Melbourne, Australia.

Talukder, S., Kerrisk, K.L., Celi, P., Garcia, S.C. (2012). Use of Digital Infrared Thermography for Oestrus Detection in Dairy Cows. In: Improving Smallholder and Industrial Livestock Production for enhancing Food Security, Environment and Human Welfare, Proceedings of the 15th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, Thailand, Bangkok 15, 74

Tozer, K.N., Cameron, C.A., Clark, C.E.F., Lee, J.M. (2012). Impact of lax and intense grazing on chicory utilisation and survival. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, 13-15 November, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 398-402

Farina S.C., Alford A., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J. (2011) Business risk of pasture-based dairy intesification: increasing concentrates vs. adopting a complementary forage system. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Nutrition of the Herbivore, 6-9 September 2011, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Farina S.C., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J. (2011) Intensification alternative for pasture-based systems in Australia: a complementary forage system whole farm study. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Nutrition of the Herbivore, 6-9 September 2011, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Farina S.C., Alford A., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J. (2011) Business risk of pasture-based dairy intesification: increasing concentrates vs. adopting a complementary forage system. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Nutrition of the Herbivore, 6-9 September 2011, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Farina S.C., Garcia S.C., Fulkerson W.J. (2011) Intensification alternative for pasture-based systems in Australia: a complementary forage system whole farm study. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Nutrition of the Herbivore, 6-9 September 2011, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Garcia S.C., Bargo F., Kaur R. (2011) Individual variability of NDF intake and feed conversion efficiency in pasture-based systems. ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting from July 10-14, 2011 at New Orleans, Louisiana

Garcia S.C., Bargo F., Kaur R. (2011) Individual variability of NDF intake and feed conversion efficiency in pasture-based systems. ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting from July 10-14, 2011 at New Orleans, Louisiana , 432

Islam M.R., Garcia S.C. (2011) Effects of irrigation and rates and timing of nitrogen fertiliser on proportions of maize plant fractions and nutritive value of whole crop maize silage for dairy cows. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Nutrition of the Herbivore, 6-9 September 2011, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

Kaur R., Garcia S.C. (2011) Accuracy of n-alkane method to estimate diet composition in sheep fed contrasting forages and concentrate diets. Advances in Animal Biosciences (Eighth International Symposium on the nutrition of herbivores), Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

Kaur, R and Garcia, S.C. (2010) Rumen degradation and fermentation characteristics of forage rape. In ‘Proceedings of the Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2010’ to be held at Lincoln University, Christchurch NZ from 31st August to 2nd September

Garcia, S.C., Jacobs, J.L., Woodward, S. and Clark, D.A. (2007) Complementray Forage Rotation: a review. In Chapman, D.F., Clark, D.A., McMillan, K.L., Nation, D.P. (Ed) Meeting the challenge for pasture-based dairying. Proceedings of the Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Melbourne. Pp 221-239.

Jago, J.G., Davis, K.L. and Jenson, R. (2007). Future innovative dairy technologies to address constraints of labour, information collection and decision-making on farms. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Conference Proceedings; Meeting the Challenges for Pasture-Based Dairying. pp 493-507.

Garcia S.C., Fulkerson, W.J., Kenny, S and Nettle, R (2006).Producing over 40 t dry matter/ha per year through a complementary forage rotation system. Proceedings of the 68th New Zealand Grasslands Association, Dunedin, pp 69-74.

Kenny S.N. and, Nettle R.A. (2006) Extension as a knowledge partner in farming systems research early lessons from FutureDairy Australia. In, Changing European farming systems for a better future. Eds Langeveld H. & roling N. Wageningen Academic Publishers: Wageningen. pp: 104-110.

Kenny, S.N. and Nettle, R.A. (2006) Knowledge partnerships 2: Extension juggling multidisciplinarity in the field – early learning’s from the FutureDairy project. Proceedings APEN International Conference, Beechworth, Vic.

Nettle, R.A. and Kenny, S.N., (2006) Knowledge partnerships 1: What can knowledge partnerships offer agricultural industries? Early learnings from the FutureDairy project. Proceedings APEN International Conference, Beechworth, Vic.

Garcia S.C., Pedernera-Romano M., Horadogoda A.and Fulkerson W.J. (2005). Allocating concentrates based on individual performance increases milk solids yield in Dairy Cows. Recent advances in animal nutrition. University of New England, Armidale, NSW. Vol 15. p 9A.

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